Saturday, July 7, 2012

Buttermilk Wheat Bread

so tonight there was a congregational meeting at our church which is always accompanied by a dinner. tonight they asked people to bring a pot of soup or some cornbread or rolls to share. soup and bread, my favorites! i decided i would try and get some buttermilk wheat pull-apart rolls turned out in time for the meeting, so i came home from work and got a double batch of dough started with some instant yeast since i wouldn't have time to let it rise twice anyway. well, it became apparent to me that i didn't have time even for a short rise and then since i was rushing so fast, i accidentally poured in one and a half times the amount of salt that was called for in the recipe. so, seeing that there was no way to be done for the meeting and not wanting to eat a salt lick, i mixed up another single batch of dough with no salt and kneaded them all together (not recommended, it was very difficult!) luckily the dough that had been sitting out was cooler than the one i had just made so i could tell it was adequately kneaded when the temperature evened out. all that to say, i let it rise while we were at the meeting, proofed it when we got home and pulled out four big loaves of buttermilk wheat just before midnight. a delicious mis-judgement of time. and the salt was just right.

Curried Lentil and Brown Rice Soup


Creamy Potato Soup

i love soup. it's by far my favorite non-bread type of food to cook, because it is so improvisational. you can make soup from just about anything, and it's a great way to use random things that are just lying around your kitchen. this soup of course, is not full of random things, but rather pretty ordinary ingredients. in fact, you could probably make this soup right now if you substituted regular milk (or almond milk, or rice milk, or goat milk, you could even use cream or half & half... you get the idea, just keep it unflavored!) for soymilk. that just happens to be what we had on hand.

Broccoli Cheddar Soup
